

Download the Catalog of educational materials from the International Plant Nutrition Institute. The catalog is complete with order forms and instructions on ordering from IPNI.


Soil Fertility Manual (Bound with cover)

The Soil Fertility Manual was first published in 1978. Since then, agriculture has seen many changes, such as adoption of conservation tillage, biotechnology, precision farming, and others. But the basic principles of soil fertility and agronomy have not changed. The underlying concepts of efficient nutrient management remain the same. The purpose of this manual is to help fertilizer dealers, crop advisers, Extension workers, consultants, teachers, and agronomists give farmers sound agronomic advice. The manual provides the reader with a working knowledge of essential soil-plant relationships, principles of nutrient management and the use of aglime, and a discussion of the unique balance of agriculture and the environment. It provides answers to common questions, and studied carefully, will motivate the reader to further learning and understanding about the fundamentals of crop production. The manual is useful as a self-study guide and can provide the basis for short courses or soil fertility workshops. It acts as a supplement to university textbooks and is an excellent resource for those preparing for the International Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) exams. 200 plus pages, 8.5 x 11 spiral bound.

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